All PDRtalk members have the option to create a free public profile including your business information, logo, photos, social media links, photo and video links, certification links, and review page links. Because all of your review site links are in one location, customers can easily research what others are saying about your service. You can also specify what kind of operation you run (route, retail shop, hail local, hail US, hail Europe, etc.) If you are a mobile route guy, you can list all of the cities and counties that you cover. When someone searches for those locations in the main search bar and the “find a technician” search bar, your profile will be listed. We’ve also created call to action buttons that allow a potential retail customer or hail storm manager to contact you directly with a phone call or email inquiry. One more cool feature on your public profile is a Yelp badge that displays your star rating along with how many reviews you have. Like it or not, people love reviews. Having a 5 star Yelp badge right next to your before and after photos and contact info just reinforces your brand and value.

If you do NOT have a website and want to pursue retail PDR work, a free public profile on PDRtalk offers a great option to tell the world about your business. It is also a great option for hail chasers that don’t have a website and want to connect with one another. Already have a website? That’s great. Simply use PDRtalk to have all of that valuable company information in one more highly visited site on the web.

Our goal is to build a rich and detailed database of PDR technicians from all over the world. Join the tribe and create a public profile. It’s super easy and takes 5-15 minutes. Enter as much or little information as you want. Check out the demo video below to learn how.

Log in to PDRtalk
On the top menu click “My Pdrtalk”
Click “Add a Profile”
Fill out your company info and copy and paste all of your related social media and review site URL’s
Upload photos
Click submit and you’re done!

Create your profile, get leads, & keep pushing!